Online Cash Flow Management Training for Construction Contractors
  1. Identify bookkeeping and financial documents. 
  2. Bookkeeping terminology is identified and described. 
  3. The document exchange process is explained. 
  4. Income and expenditure transactions are discussed. 
  5. Understand business financial documents. 
  6. Knowledge of the various financial documents is demonstrated. 
  7. The use of these documents is applied from the construction contractor's perspective. 
  8. Determine cash flow from financial documents with assistance from an accountant.
  9. The cash flow of the construction contractor's business is determined from the financial documents with the assistance of the firm's accountant. 
  10. The implications of the cash flow situation on the organization is explained. 
  11. Determine the organizations financial status from the various financial documents with the assistance from an accountant. 
  12. The financial status of the organization is determined with the assistance of an accountant. 
  13. The implication of the financial status on the organization is explained.

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